​Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy
  1. LOGIN
  1. Aim
USE TURİZM TAŞIMACILIK İNŞAAT TİCARET LTD ŞTİ collects your personal data for many different purposes through “cookies” when you visit our websites, mobile sites or mobile applications.
In this policy we explain to you what cookies are, how we use them, the different types of cookies we use and how you can change or delete them.
We hope this policy provides you with understandable information about the use of cookies and helps you feel safe. If you have any further questions on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact us.
This Cookie Policy is subject to change at any time for revision purposes.  Take a look at the "  REVISION TABLE " at the top of this page to see when this Cookie Policy was revised . Any changes to this Cookie Policy will become effective when we make the Cookie Policy available on or through the Site.
For more detailed information about your personal data collected through cookies, you can review our Personal Data Protection and Privacy Policy at www.usetransfer.com.
  1. What is a cookie?
Information stored on your computer by a website you visit. Cookies are generally used to store your settings such as your language preference or location of the relevant website. In addition, cookies may contain many different information, including your personal information (name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.). However, the information a site can reach is limited to what you provide it. Websites cannot access information that you do not provide to them. Also, no site can access other files on your computer.
1.3 Our Purposes for Using Cookies
We use cookies to identify useful products/services specific to you, to count visits to a page, to improve user experience, to design a more useful website interface for you, and to provide personalized advertising services.
1.4 Types of
Cookies 1.4.1 Basic Cookies:  Basic cookies are necessary for our website, mobile site and mobile applications to be accessed and to function as intended. It allows you to benefit from the services and services connected to them. In the absence of essential cookies, our website, mobile site and mobile applications will not be able to work smoothly for you, and some services you have requested may not be provided.
Cookie Type Purpose of usage
Session cookies It is used to protect the status of users in the system.
Load Balancing It is used to distribute the load of the increasing traffic of the system to servers in different locations.
User ID It is used to recognize the user in the system and to provide him with specific information.
Security It is used to verify both the system and the user.
1.4.2 Preference Cookies: They are  used to detect your usage preferences and behaviors (language option, geographic region information, etc.) and to offer a customized user interface for you by remembering this information afterwards.
Cookie Type Purpose of usage
Language It is used to detect and store the language commonly used by the user and to change the interface accordingly.
Location It is used to automatically obtain the approximate address (country, city, etc.) from the IP address from which the user logs into the system and to offer products/services specific to that region.
mobile It is used to determine whether the user is logging into the system from a mobile device for design dimensions, system requirements and performance purposes.
Recent visit and activity Last visit date, activity and other information are recorded to understand the user's preferences by providing an update on "what has changed since your last visit date".
last watched video If the video presented in the system for the purpose of promoting the product/service is watched by the user, it is used to present different content in the next visit.
Instant cookies Generally, it provides the user to be presented with interactive (popup, video or audio) content suddenly during the first login to the system.
Page History It is used so that the user who visits between different pages in the system can quickly reach a page he wants forward, backward or directly, and also to be directed to the previous page if he has a problem during page transitions. In addition, if there is a problem on the page it is on, it is used for error notification and resolution of the relevant page.
1.4.3 Social Plugin Tracking Cookies. These cookies are used for market research and product development by tracking social media users.
Cookie Type Purpose of usage
Facebook It allows Facebook members (or non-members) to be monitored for market analysis and product development.
Twitter It is used to monitor people who are members of social media networks or not, for market analysis and product development.
1.4.4 Analysis Cookies: Cookies are  collected for analysis purposes in order to make the system more understandable and useful for users. These cookies are used to adapt the system to the general users.
Cookie Type Purpose of usage
Google Analytics As a result of the statistical data processing of the user's data as aggregated by Google, it is used to better understand the habits of the users by the system.
1.4.5 Marketing Cookies:  This type of cookie is used within the scope of marketing activities.
Cookie Type Purpose of usage
Advertising It is used to display behavioral and target-oriented advertisements to visitors.
Market Analysis It is used to conduct market analysis.
Offer It is used to measure the impact of campaigns.
Fraud Detection It is used to detect click cheats.
  1. Managing Cookies
Our websites, mobile sites or mobile apps are set to automatically accept cookies by default. If you want to remove existing cookies from your device, you can use your browser options. In addition, if you do not want cookies to be placed on our device, you can block cookies from your browser settings.
You should be aware that if you remove or block the cookies we use, there may be some effects during use on our website, mobile site or mobile applications and the site may not be used any longer. If you do not block cookies in your browser settings, even if you have deleted our cookies before, our system will place a cookie when you visit our site or click on a link in an e-mail sent to you by us.
1.6 To Contact Us
If you have any further questions about our "Cookie Policy", please contact us at [email protected] e-mail address or SECURITY MAH. 251 SK. You can contact us at NO:49/3 MURATPAŞA / ANTALYA.
In order to provide you with a better service, we use cookies on our site and collect and process your personal data in accordance with the legislation. By continuing to use our website, you consent to our use of cookies and other personal data. You can find more detailed information about cookies and the processing of your personal data in the Privacy & Personal Data Policy.